Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Call to Prayer: International Day

Bernie shares his precious cowboy hat collection with
Tamagawa Seigakuin students on International Day 2006

It’s hard to believe that anyone in Japan could have been as gullible and uninformed as to believe Bernie. He was only joking when he told the Saga high school girl that American men get pregnant and have babies, not their wives. But more astounding than this image was the fact that she believed him—at least momentarily.

Then there was the group of Japanese university students that joined in a summer camp with participants from an American school. Afterwards, the Japanese were asked to write about what they learned from their experiences. Imagine my shock to read the essay of one of my students who wrote, “Americans have two arms and two legs, just like we do!”

Certainly we’ve had many opportunities in our 28 years as missionaries in this country to help educate Japanese about the world outside their borders. But what we most want to share with them are the truths of the Bible, beginning with John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Unfortunately, a common misconception of Japanese is that Christianity is a western religion. “We Japanese,” as they say in typical group talk, “are Buddhist or Shinto.” (Or both, or neither, I might add.) It is always a challenge to discover how to convey the message that God’s love is for the whole world, including Japan, in ways that will stir interest and kindle a desire for a personal relationship with God among people who, although religious, generally have no concept that this is needed or even possible.

On May 16, we hope to change this for Tamagawa Seigakuin third year junior high school students as they participate in the 4th International Day program on campus. Bernie has helped recruit nearly 40 Christian volunteers from more than 20 nations to come and introduce their countries, cultures, and languages, giving the girls opportunities to practice using their English conversation skills. But what will be highlighted uppermost is the international nature of the church—that the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection is being proclaimed and accepted in countries all around the world. This wonderful day of sharing will begin with a worship service featuring gospel songs in several languages, testimonies, and an evangelistic message.

Please join us in praying for our guests as they prepare for International Day. Pray also that the Holy Spirit will move among the students, touching their hearts to consider their own response to the Gospel message. May it be true that May 16 was “the time of God’s favor” and “the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2) for many at Tamagawa Seigakuin who participate in International Day.